The Continent Of Gaelhanas
Gaelhanas rises directly in the middle of the Four Seas of Ambrosia: Sun Sea in the North, Moon Sea in the South, Dawn Sea in the East, and Dusk Sea in the West. This beautiful and prosperous land is divided into four respective Kingdoms: Sun Sea kisses warmly to the Summer Shores of northern Solarael, while Moon Sea turns silver the Lunar Hills of southern Lunaria; Dawn Sea greets heartily the Spring Caves of eastern Eos as Dusk Sea beats harshly at the Black Cliffs of western Soir. Gaelhanas is immensely vast and home to many a cultured soul born to her. Her people have been nurtured well by the Nature unbound around them and the customs they choose to live by. Known to be called the Heart of Ambrosia, this wilderness can be as well-mannered as any Queen in her Court, and yet as untamed as any wild beast prowling the Lowlands and fighting to survive the shifting phases of the Sun and Moon.